To every girl...

/ Thursday, March 31, 2011 /
Here is an inspirational poem/story/sonnet/tribute that I found a few years ago. I found it at a time in my life when I was really down, had low self-esteem and was really hurt but some things that happened to me. This made me feel a lot better in the sense that it reminded me that I was not alone. There were tons of girls who were going through the same or similar feelings, thoughts, emotions as I was. So today I'd like to share this with you. To every girl who is out there, feeling this way, feeling down, in the depths of despair, here is something that I'd like to give, from my heart to yours, to remind you that you are not alone out there, that there is hope, goodness, and happiness.

<3, chynagrl

To every girl that is SCARED to
put her heart out there again,
because she has been HURT
too many times or so badly.

To every girl that
has been cheated on,
because she's not a slut
who gives it up to any guy.

To every girl that
dresses cute,
not like a skank.

To every girl who
wants to be called
beautiful, not hot.

To every girl that will spend her
whole day looking
for the perfect present for you.

To every girl who gets her heart
broken, because he
chose that bitch instead.

To every girl that would die
to have a decent boyfriend.

To every girl who would just once
like to be treated like a princess.

To every girl that cries at night
because of another heartbreak.

To every girl that won't get
down on her knees & open
her mouth just to get a boyfriend.

To every girl that
just wants to hold hands.

To every girl that
kisses him with meaning.

To every girl who
just wishes he cared more.

To every girl who would just
once want a guy to give their
jacket up when they are cold.

To every girl who
just wants him to call.

To every girl who lies
awake at night thinking about him.

To every girl that
just wants to cuddle.

To every girl that
just wants to sleep with
him without having sex.

To every girl who shows how much
she cares and gets nothing back.

To every girl that thought
"maybe this one could be the one."

To every girl that laughs at stupid stuff
when she actually doesn't think it is funny.

To every girl who is just
looking for that one and
only and is having a rough
time along the way.

To every girl that doesn't want
a guy who just plays with her
emotions but actually cares about
how she feels.

To every girl who wants
words backed up with actions.

To every girl that fell for all the lies
only to find themselves alone in the end.

To every girl that gave her heart away
to have it shoved back in her face.

To every girl that has faith that
"tomorrow will be a better day."
And it will be,



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